Stellar Paddle Holsters
This is our most flexible "concealment rig" to date.
Simple in design. We use the Blade-Tec Paddle to allow a variety of carry options.
The famous"Stellar Kydex Lock" eliminates the need
for straps or snaps. You simply grasp the grip and yank it out of the holster. The shape of the gun holds
it in place in our custom fitted rig. To re-holster, simply snap back in. draw after draw. Year after year.
Always the same, smooth, reliable draw. These rigs even have adjustable tension via the screw/bushing combination
in front of the trigger guard! We use Blade-Tech injection molded Hardware because; in a world of Alice clips
, "J-Hooks" and belt loops - Blade-Tech is always the most versatile and rugged for fire arms carry!
The inside of the paddle shown here on the Springfield armory XD9 shows the holster to be set for a vertical (straight up draw).
The inside of the paddle shown here on the By mounting it
to the holster as shown. For rake, the holster can be reattached as shown. For a forward (FBI) cant, it just goes
the other way. We have the newest Blade-Tech Paddles on many of our paddle holsters using the same
Modular mounting pattern as the popular Blade-Tech Belt loops!
Most Paddle Models $84 / Many at $75
Add a Tuf Cloth to your order for only $8.99
($9.99 for Marine Grade)
All Buttons and Custom Graphics by:Wahl