If you are shopping for a high quality knife made by a reputable manufacturer, bookmark this page and make this your very last stop. Buying a knife for yourself or as a gift that will be treasured for years to come doesn't come cheap. You will spend at least fifty dollars. If you are looking into the top of the line items, you could spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars. We can beat anyone else's price by five dollars on the low end and usually five percent on the high end! Most shoppers today are educated and discriminatory buyers. Many of our customers can quote Rockwell hardness and steel quality much better than we can. We are not in the manufacturing business. We proclaim to be good at only one thing, getting you the very best price on the very highest caliber of knives and multi-tools available. For this reason we only stock name brand items. If you are simply trying to purchase an inexpensive pocket knife as a stocking stuffer or a work tool, or if you abuse your knives and expect them to break sooner or later anyway, you are probably better off with something cheap. We suggest you go to K-Mart or a local flea market. On the other hand, If you are shopping around on the net and other mail order houses, find exactly what you want and call me or email me. We need to be able to identify what you want by the model number or manufacturer number and verify the price you were quoted.
Here are links to our hottest selling items at local Gun & Knife shows, Kydex Solutions and a wealth of other links you may be interested is checking out. If you don't see what you are looking for in these pages, shop the manufacturers links below. Most of the popular items are in stock. Nearly all others are only a day or two delayed.